澳洲阿德莱德代写作业 税收或关税
Keywords:澳洲阿德莱德代写作业 税收或关税

澳洲阿德莱德代写作业 税收或关税
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.” Those words are of the last of the slave trade provision (Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution). The clause was designed to cover up what the convention was really doing to the country. If you read between the lines, you’ll see that the clause above didn’t require the trade to end in 1808. Instead, the clause stated an assumption that was held by nearly every convention member. The assumption was that the Southern States were going to grow faster than any other state, and by its 1808, the states that wanted to continue the slave trade would have enough power and allies to stop the end of the trade. In order to end the slave trade, a bill would have to pass the houses of Congress and the President must sign it. That would mean three opportunities to stop the bill. There were supporters of the clause on both sides of the argument. Some, like James Wilson, worked hard to convince nonbelievers to believe that the Constitution demanded an end to the slave trade, when in actuality, it did not, They made many clever arguments, and made sure to attend every debate about the clause until the northerners started to believe.