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Geography Assignment代写:推拉因素

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由于不同的推拉因素如住房和土地的需求不断增加:乡城迁移,人口增长和自然灾害,工作和城市设施的期望,大部分的城市和政府搬迁的城市贫困和低收入群体在计划和环境安全领域面临诸多挑战(博迪亚,2006)。另一方面,那些居住在棚户区的人们从土地使用权的安全性被剥夺,土地发展权和土地使用权(B,2000)。因此,他们远离政府提供的设施,因此遭受恶劣的环境条件下,如缺乏水、卫生、卫生设施和教育(atterhöG,1995)。然而,土地是一种不更新的自然资源,这是基本的必需品如食物和住所有关生物(Palmer et al.,2009)。因此,土地可持续发展以满足在发展城市地区和欠发达的县基本住房需要不能在没有土地所有权的变更等几何、面积、土地使用土地的权利和条件的变化来实现的,定位(Muller,2004)。 政府和私人机构是主要的土地开发机构,促进了土地市场的土地通过城市管理的方法、过程和技术(Larsson,1997)。这些方法可能会被强制或自愿取决于政府的立法(赫伯特,1994;土耳其et al.,2010)。一种非强制性或自愿性的城市土地开发方式是土地整理(LR)和LR是基于自我融资项目赢得–赢得战略(弓箭手,1986;穆勒,2004)。它是用来调整不规则边界的地块基础设施和公用设施(doebele,1982;香港et al.,2007;莱曼et al.,2012;穆勒,2004)。LR的项目是由中央政府、地方政府介绍,直辖市,私人机构和公共机构与土地业主和租户的参与。1902,德国发起了LR作为一种将农业用地向城市用地与土地转让的法律称为Lex Adickes设定。1954后来,LR技术已被采用为日本的灾难恢复的土地调整行为1954、关于城市土地30%下使用这种技术的开发。除了土地用途转换和灾难恢复,LR已在欧洲、亚洲和美国的城市更新,新的城市和聚落发展了预防。

Geography Assignment代写:推拉因素

The increasing demand of the land for housing due to different push and pull factors like: rural-urban migration, population growth and natural disaster, expectation of job and urban facilities, most of the cities and the governments are facing many challenges to relocate the urban poor and low income groups in planned and environmentally safe areas (Paudyal, 2006). On the other hand, the people who are living in squatter settlements are deprived from the security of land tenure, land development rights and land use rights (Pugh, 2000). Therefore, they are far from the facilities provided by the government and consequently suffering from the poor environmental conditions such as lack of water, sanitation, health facilities and education (Atterhög, 1995). However, land is one of the single un renewal natural resource and it is related to basic necessity such as food and shelter for living beings (Palmer et al., 2009). Therefore, sustainable land development to meet the basic need for shelter in urban area of developing and under developed counties cannot be achieved without change in the land rights and condition of the land ownership such as change in geometry, area, land use, location (Muller, 2004).
The government and the private organizations are the main land developing agencies to facilitate developed land plots in the land market through the urban management methods, process and techniques (Larsson, 1997). These methods might be compulsory or voluntary depending upon the legislation of the government (Hebbert, 1994; Turk et al., 2010). One of the non-compulsory or voluntary urban land development method is the Land Readjustment (LR) and LR is based on self-financing project and win –win strategy (Archer, 1986; Muller, 2004). It is used to readjust the irregular boundaries of the land plots with infrastructure and utility facilities (Doebele, 1982; Hong et al., 2007; Lemmen et al., 2012; Muller, 2004). LR projects are introduced by the central government, local governments, municipalities, private organizations and public agency with the participation of land owners and tenants. In 1902, Germany had initiated LR as a method for converting agricultural land to urban land with the enactment of land transfer law called Lex Adickes. Later on from 1954, LR technique has been adopted for disaster recovery in Japan under the Land Readjustment Acts 1954 and about 30% of the urban land were developed using this technique. Besides land use conversion and disaster recovery, LR has been used in Europe, Asia and America as urban renewal, development of new urban cities and prevention of spotted settlements (Atterhög, 1995; Yomralioglu, 1993).

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