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Thomas Malthus写下他的著名的假设对穷人的鲁莽的育种在英国社会史的一个关键时刻。1700年代末见过的第一个移民对我们在现代性,会长期贫困救济和国家帮助贫困的儿童医院的弃儿,在济贫院的形式制度化的救济建立开放。用眼睛回过去的历史时期是承认许多社会不幸的成员仅仅通过‑通过;很少考虑被教育类为英国的命运的吝啬类在所有。这立即让马尔萨斯和他同时代的人如贝瑟姆和李嘉图除了所有之前。仅仅出于这个原因,许多发布在<<人口论的观点必须出现不合时宜,本质上是不正确的。后见之明只是历史学家的工具。 独特的英语经验关于人口增长和贫困国家的新教改革后‑,1598穷人的法律和1601值得固井对弱者和穷人的处理定位概念的世俗的成分中有它的根源;所有教区都提供给需要的最小的支持,这等同于老年人、孤儿、儿童–谁无法切实支持自己通过劳动的寡妇。这是给穷人的问题这个早期现代时期,当代法国评论员说,在注意(1828:398)视为在英国的工人阶级的增长的关键。


Thomas Malthus penned his famous assumption on the reckless breeding of the poor at a crucial juncture in British social history. The late 1700’s had seen the first migrations towards what we, in modernity, would term poor relief and state sponsored help of the needy with the opening of the Foundling Children’s Hospital and the establishment of institutionalised relief in the form of workhouses. To cast an eye back over the preceding historical period is to recognise that many of the unfortunate members of society were simply by‑passed; scant regard was given by the educated classes as to the fate of England’s miserly classes at all. This immediately sets Malthus and his contemporaries such as Betham and Ricardo apart from all that preceded them. For this reason alone, many of the views promulgated in an Essay on the Principle of Population must appear anachronistic and essentially incorrect. Hindsight is the tool of the historian only.
The uniquely English experience with regards to population growth and destitution had its roots in the secular composition of the nation post‑Protestant Reformation where the Poor Laws of 1598 and 1601 were noteworthy for cementing the concept of localisation in relation to the handling of the infirm and the poor; all parishes had to provide minimal support for the needy, which equated to the elderly, orphans, widows with children – anyone who could not feasibly support themselves through labour. It is the attention given to the issue of the poor during this early modern period that the contemporary French commentator Say (1828:398) viewed as the key to the increase in the growth of the working classes in England.

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