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电话面试是世界上非常流行的采访中,大多数公司使用这个采访是因为成本低,很快,大多数公司使用的电话面试,电话面试也将用于地理障碍,或一段时间的考生生活在另一个国家或城市。事实上,电话面试是一种正式的面试方式,如果应聘者能感知到能挑战电话面试的微妙的非语言线索。重要的是面试者必须专注于面试官的语气,他们也必须有笔和记事本来写重要的事情或问题。面试的三个重要优点是:首先,通常通过电话联系比其他方法更快,实际上,如果他们使用计算机进行电话面试,他们可以在面试结束后二十分钟检查结果。第二个是时间和成本效益,电话面试最长约15至20分钟,面试官也可以测试你的沟通技巧和电话技术。最后一个是受访者不;不需要打扮股或打扮也没有必要花时间和金钱去面试。(Ben 2008)。电话面试也有缺点,首先是应聘者可以'不见面试官的反应却不见'面试官要他们的反应。二是电话面试是快速的,他们问的问题很快被采访者不可能;没有时间思考一个问题,大多数人都是用电话面试的叶脉,其实他们是害怕当他们使用电话面试。
Telephone interview is very popular interview in the world, most of company using this interview because of low cost and very fast , company use telephone for most screening interview , telephone interview will also used for geographic obstacles ,or some time the candidates lives in another country or city . The fact is telephone interview is the formal method of interviewing , if candidate`s ability to sense delicate non verbal cues that can be challenging telephone interview . the important thing is interviewee must focused to tones of interviewer`s voice , also they must have pen and notepad to write important things or question . the three important advantages for interview is , first usually be contacted faster over the telephone than other method actually if they use computer for net telephone interview ,they can check the result twenty minutes after completing the interview. The second one is time and cost effective ,telephone interview most last about 15 to 20 min and also the interviewer can test your communication skills and telephone technique. last one is interviewee don't need to dress up femoral or smarten up and also no need to spend time and money to go for interview.(Ben 2008) .Telephone interview also have disadvantage , the first is interviewee can't see the reaction of interviewer actually they can't see interviewer to gauge their response . second one is , telephone interview is fast and they ask question very fast and interviewee don't have time to probably think about a question , and most of people are nervure of using telephone for interview , actually they are terrified when they using telephone for interview. (Jury and Kevin 2007)

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