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此外,从社会文化的角度来看,学校和家庭之间的不匹配可能会影响学生的学习。这可能包括语言、价值观和某些行为。这通常会疏远孩子,导致自尊心和动机的降低(Carey, 2011);然而,每个孩子的情况都不同。来自社会经济背景较低的学生所面临的许多问题通常是因为学生在课堂上学到的东西与他们在校外的经历无关。那些更有特权的学生可以获得学习方法,因为他们每天都参与其中。(教育部和儿童早期发展,2006)。澳洲麦考瑞论文代写:社会文化的角度社会经济背景较低的学生往往得不到这个机会。此外,统计数据显示,来自社会经济背景较低的学生在学习上并不总是能充分发挥他们的潜力。2005年,新南威尔士州教育部进行了一份报告,对比了来自社会经济背景较低的学生和来自社会经济背景的学生的研究结果和统计数据。他们给出的一个例子是阅读理解和数学。调查结果显示,在同一所学校里,来自社会经济团体的学生比来自社会经济较低的学生(NSW教育和培训部门,2005年)的成绩更好。它还提供了高中和高中学生缺课的比较,研究表明,低SES学生在学校缺课天数较多(NSW教育和培训部门,2005年)。这也可能是学生没有充分发挥潜力的原因。
Also from a socio cultural point of view mismatch between school and family can have an effect on student learning. This may include language, values and certain behaviours. This can generally alienate children and lead to lower self esteem and motivation (Carey, 2011); however this varies with each child. Many problems which students from low socioeconomic backgrounds face are usually because what the students learn in the classroom does not relate to their experiences outside of school. Students who are more privileged obtain learning approaches which come naturally to them because of their normal everyday involvements. (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2006). Students from low socio-economic backgrounds often don't get this opportunity.Moreover statistics have shown that students from low socioeconomic backgrounds do not always reach their full potential in their learning. The Erebus Report conducted by the New South Wales Department of Education in 2005 compares findings and statistics of students learning outcomes who come from a low socioeconomic background and students from a high socioeconomic background. One example they give is reading comprehension and mathematics. The findings revealed that within the same school, a student who comes from a higher socio-economic group will achieve better test results than a student from a lower socio-economic group (NSW Department of Education and Training, 2005). It also provides comparisons between both high and low SES with student's absences from school and the study showed that students with low SES had higher number of days absent from school (NSW Department of Education and Training, 2005). This could also be a reason why students are not reaching their full potential.

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