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澳洲莫纳什作业代写 时尚二手研究


我将使用一系列的初级和二级研究探索我的概念,因为它们是同样重要的,我想确保我的结果是清晰的和可靠的,我将使用这些关系在我的工作中,我将使用保证这是礼物的一系列方法。我将使用大量的二手研究,因为我的主题是可持续发展;因此,我需要知道目前在这个领域发生了什么,为了做到这一点,我将使用互联网上的资源,如WGSN,因为这些发现是最近的和可靠的。根据WGSN(2019)“我们创造了未来,将定性研究与定量洞察和定制咨询服务结合起来”。因此,我可以收集我自己不可能收集到的研究;因此,我将取得一个更好的,因为所有的信息是简洁和相关的。通过文章和其他网站寻找其他形式的辅助研究,因为这使我可以衡量我想要我的发现去哪里,以更快的速度和更深入地给我正确的信息。我要研究的另一个主要的二手研究领域是第一个可持续发展的时尚博物馆关于这个特别的信息我会在网上查找,就像阿姆斯特丹的博物馆一样;然而,我选择了这个特别的博物馆,因为它有历史和当代的资源。van Elven(2018)说:“展示时尚产业的简史以及‘美好的时尚’运动是如何开始的”,并影响了可持续时尚的未来。我相信收集这些特别的信息将会给我的研究一个独特的方面,因为我在这个领域有很多信息需要收集。
澳洲莫纳什作业代写 时尚二手研究
I will be using a range of both primary and secondary research to explore my concept as they are equally as important, I want to ensure that my findings are clear and reliable as I will be using these to relate too throughout my work, to guarantee that this is present  I will be using a range of methodologies.I will be using a lot of secondary research as my topic is about sustainability; therefore I need to know what is happening in this area at the moment, to do this I will be using resources off the internet such as WGSN as the findings are recent and reliable. According to WGSN (2019) ‘we create tomorrow coupling qualitative research with quantitative insights and custom advisory services’. As a result of this I can gather research that would not be possible for me to gather on myself; therefore I will achieve a much better as all the information is concise and relevant. Looking in to other forms of secondary research through articles and additional websites as this allows me to gage where I want my findings to go giving me the correct information at a faster speed and more in depth.Another main area of secondary research that I will be looking into is the very first sustainable fashion museum for this particular information I will be looking online as the museum is in Amsterdam; however I have chosen this particular museum as it has historical and contemporary resources. ‘Displaying brief history of the fashion industry and how the Fashion for good movement started’ stated van Elven (2018) as well as influencing a more pioneering future for sustainable fashion. I believe that gathering this particular information will give my research a unique aspect as I have a lot of information to gather in this area.
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