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澳洲堪培拉论文代写 在线约会


日期搜索者可以利用profile-based在线约会网站与那些我们可能会喜欢,同时希望降低错配的可能性(芬克尔,一年,任课老师,里斯,& Sprecher,2012),因为这些网站提供电子场馆为我们与他人连接基于个人资料。网上约会的一般背景涉及电脑仲介沟通(CMC;Romiszowski &梅森,1996),在我们的电脑被用作工具,我们在互联网上,沟通发生的地方。CMC可以减少通信信号在身体上分离传播者(琼斯,1995)。de-individual影响的社会认同的解释

(一边)模型预测,一个表现在他或她的方式感知和主流社会理想(Cialdini,雷诺,& Kallgren,1990)。特别是,亲自与会议,CMC减少社会规范的收缩由于有限的通信信号和匿名的可能性(理查、枪、& Postmes,1995)。最近的研究表明,参与者报告倾向说谎——至少在一个小级给定我们可能最终满足另一个离线(罗,2011)。罗(2011)解释了这种现象的期望失验(Burgoon &普罗瓦德,1993)。我们会做不好过分吹嘘自己如果我们发现欺骗因为其他人可能觉得不满意当会议上的人,如果预期明显与曾经承诺不一致。

也许CMC的描述属性可能会影响个人的印象管理策略在混合在线/离线交流,特别是在网上约会,“在人们第一次见面在线,然后离线”(埃里森、Heino &吉布斯,2006,p . 415)。因此,它是有价值的质疑我们可能旨在延伸我们的吸引力的真相,向我们的理想自我(看,Dovidio &法齐奥,1992),而清单物理特性;尤其是当浪漫的吸引力,这部分取决于外表吸引力(皮尔斯,1996),报告为一个主要的影响因素是约会的决定(百花大教堂,2004年)。

澳洲堪培拉论文代写 在线约会

Date seekers can take advantage of profile-based online dating sites to interact with those we may like, while hopefully reducing possibilities of mismatching (Finkel, Eastwick, Karney, Reis, & Sprecher, 2012), because such sites offer electronic venues for us to connect with others based on personal profiles.  The general background of online dating involves in computer-mediated communication (CMC; Romiszowski & Mason,1996), wherein our computers are used as tools for us to get on the Internet, where the communication occurs.  CMC can reduce communication cues in physically separating communicators (Jones, 1995).  The social identity explanation of de-individual effects
(SIDE) model predicts that one behaves in the way that he or she perceives as mainstream and socially desirable (Cialdini, Reno, & Kallgren, 1990).  Particularly, as compared to in person meetings, CMC reduces the constriction of social norms due to the limited communication cues and the possibility of anonymity (Reicher, Spears, & Postmes, 1995).  Recent studies show that participants report tendencies to lie – at least within a small magnitude – given we may eventually meet another offline (Rosenbloom, 2011).  Rosenbloom (2011) explains such phenomenon with the idea of expectancy disconfirmation (Burgoon & Poire, 1993).  That is, we will do poorly to oversell ourselves if we are found to deceive because others may feel dissatisfied when meeting in person, if expectations are noticeably inconsistent with what used to be promised.  
Perhaps the described attributes of CMC may affect individuals’ impression management strategies in a mixed online/offline communication, especially in online dating, “wherein people first meet online and then move offline” (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006, p. 415). As such, it is valuable to question whether we may aim to stretch the truth about our attractiveness, by presenting our ideal selves (see, Dovidio & Fazio, 1992) while listing physical characteristics; especially when romantic attraction, which is partly determined by physical attractiveness (Pierce, 1996), is reported as one of the main influential factors on dating decisions (Fiore, 2004).  

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